Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tech Integration in My Classroom

  • What have you observed about children when it comes to engaging with technology as a learning tool? What would it mean for your students if you were able to integrate more technology? 

    If my students had access to more technology on a daily basis, the effects are unknown. At the first grade level, when my kids have been exposed to technology, they've shown a definite change attention. Even though they are surrounded by technology in almost every aspect of their lives, the familiarity of various tools within the technology can be limited.  The still need guidance with proper use, if any activity is going to be done that involves more than just playing an app, or use a few of the creativity tools. I know that after the technology has been introduced it's interesting to see them choose the proper tool for the activity at hand. I believed that sometimes we think they know more than they do, so it's important to take things slow

  • What philosophical or practical ideas do you have about integrating technology in a way that gets students to the Modification and Redefinition levels of the SAMR Model?

    1. Give up some control. From what I've seen in classrooms in relation to integration and technology is merely substitution. Teachers need to take a big leap of faith, and a release of some control to truly see the effects that technology can have on student learning.

    2. You don't need to be an expert. Let the kids be the experts.

    3. Start small, and then build. 

    4. Look at what you can start to replace in the classrooms I th technology, and go from there.

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