Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tech Notes

Recently I've used two tech related tools in new ways. For some, this might seem like old news, but for me, it seems like I am always finding something new out. First, I'll discuss reading. I began using the app Educreations a while back to help add some dynamics to my instruction portfolio. Last week, I put it into the hands of three of my students as an experiment. We were discussing sequence of events for our week's skill. I had the students draw and record the events of a story we had read. They were able to recall with the app and the results were interesting. Although the recording and drawing does take time, it was interesting to see the detail of characters within their drawings and also the characteristics they gave their characters while they were retelling the story. With time and practice, ( remember this is first grade) this would be a great alternative to worksheets, and/or the typical graphic organizer.

The second tool I began using was I tools. I received this from another first grade teacher, and it is great to have in the tool kit. It comes with the Math Expressions curriculum. Although it doesn't work with iPads, it is great to use as a whole group or on a computer.

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