Tuesday, December 24, 2013

TIES Conference 2013 and My Own Implementation

Recently, I was able to attend the Ties Conference and came home with several new ideas of things I'd like to try in my classroom over the next half of the year:

Here they are in no specific order:

Flipped Elementary Classroom Resources:


iPads and Marzano:


Scratch App-Computer Programing

Using One iPad in a Classroom to Achieve Success


Current Progress with Classroom Management Strategies

Over the last few weeks, I've tried to sit back and analyze and implement what I would consider to be more effective strategies to improve classroom management. I think this is an area that is always evolving and there are always was to improve. I've based this implementation plan with the backing of Marzano's-What Works in Schools (Classroom Management). 

The areas that I was focused in were:

Carrying out disciplinary actions- My focus here was to be more accountable with my students when it came down to a disciplinary action to take effect. I'll start by saying that most of my students are pretty accountable when it comes to their own ability to manage their behavior and discourse. My end of the relationship needed to be tightened a bit. The problem: At times, I fail to follow through with a consequence. If the consequence will be applied later in the day, I forget throughout the day and realize later that afternoon after the kids have left that I’d forgotten. The solution: For me, it has worked to write down the consequence and the action taken on a note card. The note card goes onto my computer, where it is visible to me all day. I look at the computer right before students exit to recess and give a quick reminder to the student about their consequence. Honestly to me, I would be in favor of another approach, just because the time between the action and consequence is so great, that the student might have a hard time remebering why they are receiving the consequence the first place.

Establishing and enforcing rules and procedures: I've begun to allow my students to be more accountable with each other. The use of Whole Brain Thinking Strategies has been one way to accomplish this task.

Teacher and student relationships: Problem: My learning goals were not being mentioned throughout our whole group lessons. The solution: I've implemented a timer, every 5 minutes of me talking, we stop and revisit the goal. It is a great accountability check for me.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tech Notes

Recently I've used two tech related tools in new ways. For some, this might seem like old news, but for me, it seems like I am always finding something new out. First, I'll discuss reading. I began using the app Educreations a while back to help add some dynamics to my instruction portfolio. Last week, I put it into the hands of three of my students as an experiment. We were discussing sequence of events for our week's skill. I had the students draw and record the events of a story we had read. They were able to recall with the app and the results were interesting. Although the recording and drawing does take time, it was interesting to see the detail of characters within their drawings and also the characteristics they gave their characters while they were retelling the story. With time and practice, ( remember this is first grade) this would be a great alternative to worksheets, and/or the typical graphic organizer.

The second tool I began using was I tools. I received this from another first grade teacher, and it is great to have in the tool kit. It comes with the Math Expressions curriculum. Although it doesn't work with iPads, it is great to use as a whole group or on a computer.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Technology Goals

Classroom Goal: Differentiation

I have continued with my plan to differentiate more often in the classroom during whole group reading. I've found opportunities to change student requirements and have modified work for specific skills and fluency practice. Students have seemed responsive the new challenges that I have been providing them. These are at or near their ability level. I've noticed that my students who are "beyond" level are able to work more independently, compared to their peers who might be "on or approaching" grade level. I've also been able to incorporate several iPad activities that have challenged my students to think differently. Instead of having each student complete the same graphic organizer each week to show the application of a specific skill, they've had the option of using the Educreations app to show their understanding. For some students they have enjoyed this outlet and have welcomed the change.

During math, I've started a new "extra center" for two of my high achieving students. After they've shown that they have mastered a math concept, I have them working on a math operations story book, and a small research project based on their interests.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Technology Tool

I've been able to incorporate my technology tool several times in my classroom. The tool is titled "Screencast-O-Matic" and it is free to download. The tool serves several purposes. First you can record your computer screens movements to give various directions about a webpage layout, or you can use it to instruct students on how to understand a concept (similar to teaching through a flipped classroom model). Secondly, you can save your recording for future uses.

Through use, I've found that this tool does a great job at allowing me to move around the classroom while teaching. It would be great for a technology class, in which directions were needed to get through a website. With this program, all students can do is listen to your voice, unless you have a computer camera set up to view your face as you speak. Overall, for a free product, it's worth it.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Presence (Lasallian Concept)

To me, the concept of Presence involves being continually, and willingly able to change and grow personally and professionally for the better. It also means that you are empathetic and accepting with others first, before determining your own pre-conceived notions on others or their ideas. To have Presence, you are willing to take risks and are spiritually healthy with yourself.

In my classroom, it means being unbiased towards individual students and their backgrounds. It means working alongside students to guide them in their educational journey with a willingness to try new approaches to change my  teaching strategies if needed. It requires me to create a class based on togetherness instead of a teacher controlled atmosphere.

Lastly, Presence means looking out for the other person, before yourself. It’s making sure no one is left behind. It means making sure everyone that has an idea and shares, is listened to and respected as an important voice in our classroom.

Marzano's Teacher Led Factors

After reading Marzano’s chapter on teacher led factors, I found all factors mentioned differed from those I’d predicted. I originally was more focused on a teacher's ability to create an environment based on mutual respect and rapport with students. I hadn't given much thought to a school’s dynamics. Marzano states the three factors that influence student achievement are instructional strategies, classroom management, and curriculum design. I agree all three of these factors, and might add a fourth from Creemers (1994) research based on student grouping to the mix, but Marzano could have included this into instructional strategies. I also agreed with Marzano’s conclusion that states “if a school is willing to do all that it can at the school level and if all teachers in the School are at least competent in their profession, the School can have a tremendous impact on student achievement (p.76).” I would conclude that school support, consistency, and guidance seem to have drastic effects on student achievement over time.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Goals with Technology in Education

1. Implement technology on a schedule (morning, afternoon, daily, weekly).
Currently, we have 7 iPads for 7 teachers in first grade. I've tried to create a schedule to follow for our teachers to use, which has just begun to gain more interest. It is, at times, difficult to take the iPads on a regular basis, just because of limited supplies. Realistically, I could plan on taking them 3 times a week, morning or afternoon to use while in the classroom. I currently have about 8-10 students who work on 1-2 iPads daily for about 15 minutes. They are using apps to reinforce reading concepts. I'd like to give more independence to them to search and explore the variety of things they are interested in. If I could even get a 2:1 ratio 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes, I think I could see a benefit to their learning.

2. Incorporate creative and augmented learning activities that challenge and allow students to be creative.
I'd like to give more independence to them to search and explore the variety of things they are interested in. Students have currently been active in story building and movie making. They are just becoming familiar with how the iPad works and have a basic understanding of its functions. I will need to do some research to plan out a few more extensive activities that line up with our standards and objectives to make the best use of our time.

3. Engage in more training on how to use them effectively and efficiently.
Time is of the essence when it comes to school and concepts taught. If we are going to do this it needs to be planned and implemented correctly. I'd like to take a few more courses to see all of the possibilities.
2-3 things you need to learn to be able to honor key finding #7: From-http://www.projectred.org/about/research-overview.html

Finding 7: Daily use of technology delivers the best return on investment (ROI).

Schools must incorporate technology into daily teaching to realize the benefits. The daily use of technology in core classes correlates highly to the desirable education success measures (ESMs). Daily technology use is a top-five indicator of better discipline, better attendance, and increased college attendance.
1. What amount of time consists of "daily use" per day. 50%, 75% or more?
2. What types of activities can account for the ESM's? Independant or teacher led?
3. Who will teach the teachers how to successfully implement the technology?

Response to Marzano’s What Works in Schools - Read Chapter 1

It was the best of times...
This sentence prompt can mean so many things in the education world today. We are surrounded in a world with endless opportunities for gathering information from a variety of resources, we have access to most new technological devices and software and have data running out of our ears and noses for each student that walks into our classrooms.

We are changing lives for the better daily! Students who walk in our doors are exposed to some of the best teaching strategies and ideas that have ever come about. Students are learning at a quicker pace than ever before.

It's easy to chat with teachers from outside your daily physical environment and collaborate with others around the world. Websites like Pintrist, Blogger and YouTube can give you endless ideas of how to engage and enrich your students beyond anything you could ever fathom.

It was the worst of times....
Marzano states heavily that the data we've accumulated about what works in education isn't being looked at and isn't being used to drive our instructional styles and classroom practices to reform. Although we do live in a world full of data we seem stuck with teaching styles that mirror a traditional classroom from the early 1900's.I feel that we have an array of teachers who have the skills and talents to educate all students from many backgrounds, but who are stuck with government mandates and educational guidelines that keep us somewhat trapped in the ways of old. We want to educate individual students and meet their needs, but are forced to cover a wider range of curriculum quicker than time allows. Students are lost in the gaps and forced to catch up through Title programs and other support programs. Though the technology is there, some schools can't afford it, or can't afford to have their teachers trained to use it successfully. It's like a doctors office, who has docs ready to operate and tools that are either outdated for the surgery or not enough training on how to implement and use them successfully.

With all of the data we have on students, teachers can't comprehend and compact it into meaningful uses. We see it, try to digest it, and try to make changes in our teaching, but by the time we've tried something new, another data set is on our desk.

Differentiating in my Classroom during Math

Recently, one of my main goals in my classroom was to polish up my differentiation plan during math class. I had heard of several ways to accomplish this and techniques to use. To start, my class has 22 first grade students. I have about 2 students at a 2nd grade level for math, 4 at an end of year first grade level, 10 which are on-level and 6 that would be considered approaching. With this much diversity, the traditional "teach all" at once hasn't worked well. Of course, it is possible to do that, but it's at the expense of my more advanced math students as they sit through a lesson typically bored and ready to move on at any moment. Here are a few things I've been trying.

  1. Math Journals: Math journals have been the topic of my action research. At first, I was anxious to use them because I was hoping they would give me more insight into what my students were understanding. To a point they do show this, but I've found that with an assignment scheduled most days, I've already gathered an understanding to each students knowledge. If anything, the math journals have supported a students current ability level in math. Currently, they act as more of a math vocabulary book. We put many things into them using illustrations and words to know. This has been somewhat difficult for my students who have trouble copying things from the board. I will use an iPad, take a picture of our SMART board, while we are completing it and I will place  the iPad next to those students who have trouble looking up and down. I'd like to start using journals to give me knowledge on what students prior knowledge is regarding future math topics, but haven't found time to get that in. I will hopefully work on that soon!
  2. The second thing I've been using is our math curriculum's challenge cards. We use Math Expressions, which has a tiering model approach. It provides teachers with an on-level, challenge and approaching level learning plan each day. After we've discussed a new concept as a whole-group, I've got an "unofficial" idea of which students should be able to move on, with limited teacher support. I have also started asking them-"Do you think you'd be able to complete these sets of questions on your own?" or "Who thinks they need a little more help?" I've found that by giving them a little more accountability and independence, they've risen to a higher level of work during math. You need to use your teacher judgement on these questions! If they are ready, my students will take the tiering activity (best suited for them). I have the instructions already recorded via iPad. I will point students to the activity I think they will be the most successful, and they move to that "center." They watch the video for instructions. Students who need more guidance, work with me on the on-level assignment. Now, I'm not going to stay this model is perfectly clean and polished day in and day out. We are a work in progress, and it has taken some loosening of the reins on my behalf, but the expectations haven't changed. There is some noise during math, but the kids are learning and are engaged while applying math knowledge to their own work. Instead of sitting and going through examples of skill problems which they've already mastered. The biggest change I've noticed, is that we've moved from students listening, to students applying and creating. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tech Integration in My Classroom

  • What have you observed about children when it comes to engaging with technology as a learning tool? What would it mean for your students if you were able to integrate more technology? 

    If my students had access to more technology on a daily basis, the effects are unknown. At the first grade level, when my kids have been exposed to technology, they've shown a definite change attention. Even though they are surrounded by technology in almost every aspect of their lives, the familiarity of various tools within the technology can be limited.  The still need guidance with proper use, if any activity is going to be done that involves more than just playing an app, or use a few of the creativity tools. I know that after the technology has been introduced it's interesting to see them choose the proper tool for the activity at hand. I believed that sometimes we think they know more than they do, so it's important to take things slow

  • What philosophical or practical ideas do you have about integrating technology in a way that gets students to the Modification and Redefinition levels of the SAMR Model?

    1. Give up some control. From what I've seen in classrooms in relation to integration and technology is merely substitution. Teachers need to take a big leap of faith, and a release of some control to truly see the effects that technology can have on student learning.

    2. You don't need to be an expert. Let the kids be the experts.

    3. Start small, and then build. 

    4. Look at what you can start to replace in the classrooms I th technology, and go from there.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall 2013 SMUMN Conference

After our Fall 2013 Conference wrapped up and I was on my way home, I was thinking back to the BIG ideas I was able to obtain while there. I was in a Math K-6 session, with a group of teachers who had some pretty inspiring stories and ideas to use in the classroom. One of the main concepts we discussed was the idea of flipped classrooms. Christine, a teacher from Duluth, has implemented a flipped classroom model during math in her first grade classroom. I was inspired to see her hard work and effort to get this concept rolling in the primary grades. I hope to do more research on this topic and possibly implement it during the 2014-2015 school year. 

We also discussed guided math. Joy and Becky had wonderful ideas on how to use this teaching style in their classrooms, and their energy was magnetic! I am curious once again to see how this model would look in my classroom. 

Bill, our facilitator was able to discuss some of the things he was doing in his fourth grade classroom pertaining to flexible grouping. He truly made me re-think of the way I was traditionally assessing my students. Typically, I was pre-testing before each unit. He gave me the idea to do a pre-test before each lesson, to see student understanding. I am still brainstorming ways on how this would look and operate in my first grade class, but where there is a will, there's a way. One possibility is to use my math journals at the end of each lesson and have students answer a question, to the best of their ability for the next day's skills. I could then see who understands the concept, and who needs more assistance. 

Overall, the Lasallian principles were very apparent. Bill set up community right away with community building activities. He then gave us time to build a caring environment by laying out a list that looked like this:
Today: Our Norms
1. Speak Your Truth
2. Stay Engaged
3. Experience Discomfort
4. Expect and accept non-closure

We all started from here and made it a beneficial day.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

AR Blog Entry

How will interactive journal writing influence student mathematical achievement In first grade?

The question guiding my research is as follows: How will multiple interactive journal writing experiences, influence student mathematical achievement in first grade? A review of literature suggested several benefits to journal writing during math class. First, journal writing allows students to convey their understanding of math concepts through pictures and words. Second, journal writing enhances the communication of ideas. Third, journal writing promotes the correct use of mathematical vocabulary. Finally, by having students writing more often, teachers have a better understanding of student knowledge. As a result of my literature review, the areas I’ve targeted for change in my practice include 1) 10 minutes of journal writing 3 times per work after a math lesson 2) Prompting questions that allow for picture, word or number responses and 3) interacting with each student’s journal to provide adequate feedback. Skill development for myself has included allowing for more math time to fit in journal time 2) differentiated ability groups for specific guidance on journal questions and 3) multiple modeling sessions to show how to journal effectively.

Throughout the implementation of this action research, I’ve learned that each one of my students is at a different skill level with writing and showing understanding. I have needed to adjust the amount of work required based on student skill level. I have used the journals to show more than just answering questions, I am using them for basic counting assessments from 1 - 120, skip counting, and pre-assessments which can be completed before we start a new concept in class. I have also been contemplating using these journals for conferencing with parents to discuss progress. 

One area I need to continue to be diligent with, is taking the time to get 3 journaling sessions in per week. With the busy schedules and certain math lessons taking longer than others, I’ve had to pick and choose which prompts I can use and which I need to toss. I am also working on getting the journal feedback done promptly.

What impact has UbD made on me?

Looking back at the impact on UnB has had on my thinking, teaching and classroom, it's easy to say it's changed the way I've done things. Naturally, the UbD layout process allows you to have a much better understanding of where you are going with any specific topic. I love that concept of picking your endpoint, or intended understanding, and then cutting a path back to the start to figure out how you are going to get their. I also love that it enables you to be empathetic with what students will be thinking and going through as they are facilitated by you. When you are designing your assessments, and lessons, you can really get down ask yourself, is what I am wanting my students to complete really "practical?" Will they be able to do this? How will they be able to complete what I am wanting? 

In the first grade classroom, there can be many items that don't "fit" in with any curriculum standard or content objective on the surface. But, with the UbD planning process, it is much easier to link and connect these "random"pieces of curriculum under a specific concept or essential understanding. 

For me, UbD is a very unique planning process that enables teachers to be effective, efficient, and meaningful, most often.

My questions about UbD:

When a curriculum has been purchased for a school district, and the curriculum's layout is similar to an UbD layout, does it make sense to re-create your own UbD unit rather that use the resource you have? Or is this curriculum just a "tool" to be coupled with other resources?

As an elementary teacher, I have many lessons I create each week. I understand the overarching ideas and concepts, but how can the elementary teacher utilize UbD in many areas, without spending hours trying to make many UbD units?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Differentiation Ideas for the Classroom

A.. Opportunities to show understanding using different graphic organizers or pictures.
  • With my first graders at many different academic reading and writing levels, and with the current push towards comprehension and fluency at an earlier age, I needed to give my students the opportunity to show their understandings in various ways. We teach new reading strategies every week (characters/setting, sequence, BME etc.). This week, I modeled how to find the characters/setting and BME of a story using a graphic organizer. I gave my students a chance to then respond to another story and choose their own graphic organizer to summarize the BME, characters and setting. Each "GO" has a similar layout, but with each one they could choose to write or draw the parts. They loved it and everyone was successful!
  • One Option: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1DGZ-2rFoAc20Y0OmaKGWwHVUF5JoG6pZtExQTAxD2p4/edit?usp=sharing
B. Using "student" experts to facilitate learning.

  • Students who complete work earlier than others, can bring it to me and become an "expert" for a few minutes. They can walk around the classroom and help those who are finishing if they wish. 
C. Reading Buddies - This strategy is particularly useful for younger students and/or students with reading difficulties. Children get additional practice and experience reading away from the teacher as they develop fluency and comprehension. It is important that students read with a specific purpose in mind and then have an opportunity to discuss what was read. It is not necessary for reading buddies to always be at the same reading level. Students with varying word recognition, word analysis and comprehension skills can help each other be more successful.
  • I've used this to work on fluency. One student gets to be the teacher, the other the student. The first reading is timed for 1 minute. The "teacher will follow along. Then the roles reverse. We time for one more minute.Student listen for punctuation, inflection and other read-aloud strategies.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Children's Principles of Learning

Safety: Creating a caring, inviting environment must be established if students are going to put forth all of their effort, and trust that you will take them to the place that they need to go. Included in this principle, is the idea of mutual respect. I believe students must also be able to feel safety in the classroom to make mistakes and understand their will not be devastating negative responses or consequences. 

Caring: Throughout the learning process, the students individual needs must be assessed, both academically and emotionally. As I think of my classroom, I think of every different aspect that goes into each relationship that is being built. I was listening to a pastor last year who used the analogy of a living organsim in comparison to the health of his church. I found this image useful for thinking of my classroom. For instance, if you take a tree, the leaves can represent the students. Each leaf is a part of another network of leaves and are connected. If one part of the plant is effected by something positive or negative, chances are a moajority of the plant will be suseptible. For my classroom, the main part of the plant is built upon a set of core values and beliefs which represents the stem and foundation. The stem stands for "safety". The "life blood" of the organism is care. Everything is done through care. 

Engagement: The deeper the subjects are engaged in their learning, the more delight and accountability they will get from learning. The topics and the implementation of concepts should be age appropriate and student centered. Now that the safety net has been established, use the trust that students have given you, to engage them. Using a concrete idea and moving to an abstract idea.

Valuable: The material and topics covered need to be valuable and applicable. I must ask myself, is this something my students can use right now? I also need to think of the immediacy that can follow any particular lessons. My students might not always be able to use the skills at this particular moment, but in the future will they be able to? I also ask myself, what are the objectives, and have we met the objectives? Can you apply it to what the students already know?

Collaboration: Teamwork is ideal, because it models the a “real world setting.” Students are capable of teaching each other. They can revisit topics you’ve already discussed with them, and apply them in their own words.  This idea can be done in a group setting, or as simplistic as "Think, Pair, Share."

Praxis: Because growth is imperative for learning (Jackson), key points need to be revisited and discussed regularly. When students are invited into assessing their growth, they take accountability for their learning. This can lead to managing behavior and learner growth. 

Successful: Students need to see evidence of success and progress, goals and objectives. They need to be focused on mastering learning. Through various sharing opportunities in the classroom, students can see each others work and also have a chance to share their own. Students in the classroom can adjust their work quality based on the efforts of other students. 

Sequence and Reinforcement: I am a firm believer in the fact that students need to be able to connect new concepts to prior knowledge. Students need to be able to go from concrete ideas to abstract and vise versa. I believe students also need to be able to see ideas many ways and in intertwined in various content areas.

Priority: Education needs to be viewed as a priority. I believe that too many people (including teachers) get caught up in the blame game between students and parents. At times one side will point the finger at others because of specific beliefs on the importance of education or lack thereof. Lawmakers, teachers, students and parents need to all view education as a priority to help support students as they develop GRIT towards their goals. Everyone involved in the education process needs to view education with utmost importance.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Persistance and Grit

I'm glad this topic of persistence and grit in teaching has come up. It reassures me, and I assume others, that there is no one right answer for any specific situation. In my classroom, I feel like I am trying new things out on a daily basis in order to reach my goals for myself and my students. Reflecting on these daily practices and processes continues to be an inspiring part of this "gritty" process. I like brainstorming new techniques and strategies and how, where and when I am going to try them out. 

One connection I was making while reading the article on persistence, was related to a book I am currently reading through my school called "What Great Teachers Do Differently." There are some commonalities between the authors perspective on what a great teacher in relation to grit and persistence. The author, Todd Whilaker, makes a statement that great teachers work through people, not programs. He views teaching as a profession of people and an appreciation for helping people reach their potential, whatever obstacles may be present. Great teachers a great in any situation. They mean what they say and they get things and they are successful in an situation. That viewpoint of never giving up and enduring under any circumstances, with the students best interest in mind a very powerful concept. 

I feel that in certain cases, we are able to teach students how to have "grit" and persevere to meet their  potential. I agree that many students come from households, in which their parents are supportive and provide guidance to promote the growth of grit in their children. This is a jump start for them.I also agree that there are children, who severely lack support and guidance. This deters their potential for "grit" because they haven't been exposed to its potential. As teachers, we need to promote the growth of perseverance and persistence, and support the students' daily gritty behaviors to ensure that our students are building strong habits and behaviors. Our hope is that this will allow them to drive through stressors and road bumps to achieve their potential and goals throughout their lives.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Response to "The Principle of Unique Life Lessons" Houston and Sokolow

A quick metaphor for this chapter can be explained as such; Throughout life, you are like a growing organism, who is shaped by growth and pruned by your experiences. During shaping experience, you will be confronted by both negative and positive outcomes. The authors state that with each "life lesson" especially when it seems to be negative, most people run at it and try to solve it as soon as possible. Rather than focus on how to solve the problem right away, they suggest you should step back, absorb all that is happening and embrace the problem. Each problem may be an opportunity for you to grow and better yourself. If you change your lens on your experiences and ask yourself how your life is being guided and what you are supposed to learn from your daily lessons, your ability to grow and change for the better will become apparent. You might also find something wrong with you instead of pointing the finger at someone else to avoid self-guilt. In times of difficulty, look to people you tryst to give you honest feedback and to hold up an accurate mirror of what is unfolding.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What every teacher should know about using math journals...

Why should teachers use journals during math class?

  1. Math journals provide an opportunity for students to communicate and process their understanding/thinking with themselves and others.
  2. Math journals give a teacher an opportunity to communicate personally with students. 
  3. Math journals provide an opportunity for students to use correct math vocabulary in real world contexts.
  4. Math journals allow students the opportunity to see the BIG ideas and make connections with other concepts and patterns.
  5. Math journals allow a students who traditionally would be quiet and less likely to participate, to share what they know through drawings and writings. 
What are the BIG changes I've seen in my class and in the weeks to come?

  1. First, math journals have provided my students the opportunity to personally communicate their understanding with m, and also show me exactly where they are with understanding a particular topic. 
  2. I am looking forward to the day when my students can look back at their previous journal activities and see their progress as well as connect the dots to their learning. I want them to see their growth over time, in hopes that they can make several connections to patterns. It is also important for them to notice what areas in math they might have struggled with and had been successful with. 
What does this currently look like in my teaching?

  1. Currently, I am implementing my journals on Wed. and Friday. I've found these days to be most effective in regards to time. When working with first graders, I've tried to keep things simple for the first few entries, because of experience. A majority of my students need plenty of modeling which in turn means we are taking it slow now-to go faster later. Another piece I am currently thinking about pertains to the workbook pages that we are "nudged" to complete every day. I'd like to substitute several of the pages for a journal entry to save time, but if that was the case, the students would lose out on opportunities to practice previous lesson concepts on the worksheets
  2. Instead of having students copy down the prompt for the day, I have been printing and cutting out the journal entries every day-in order to save time. Students will then paste the prompts in their journals. 
  3. Collecting the journals and its process is taking time to get used to. Most correcting is completed once per week and once on the weekend.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What Can't I Give Up This Year?

A. It all starts with relationship building. This has been such an important part of my educational process. Through readings such as “The Spiritual Dimensions of Leadership” by Paul D. Houston & Stephen L. Sokolo,  and “Classroom Instruction that Works” by Marzano et. al, it’s eye opening how important these aspects of classroom and staff relationships are.

From day one of the school year, my "plan" includes many collaborative-classroom building activites. I am intentially going to implement activities that give my students an opportunity to work together and learn from each other. Throughout the year I am going to work diligently to incorperate relationship building as often as possible.

B. The 9 instructional strategies that really do work. It’s amazing to me how versatile Marzano’s 9 strategies are. I enjoy how fluid each strategy can be, and the benefits it produces. I plan to implement each of the strategies within my learning plans, as well as my UbD development and stage three documents.

C. You've got to have community building. Like relationship building, I can’t imagine a successful year without some sort of community building. It is such a human process, to feel connected and cared for. I continue to think back to our master’s class inaugural weekend and the fear and anxiety some of us felt. After a few community building activities, that fear and anxiety were gone, replaced with feelings of equality and respect. I’m convinced that before you can start to see any results academically in the classroom, you need to first set the tone with care for one another.

D. Poetry and its connection to improving fluency. This is a must have. For years, poetry has been a cornerstone for the written word and it just so happens it helps improve fluency. If you don’t agree, read my ROL. After doing the research and implementing many poetry related activities into the classroom, I will continue to incorporate this discipline into my classroom on a daily basis.

E. UbD: Every man's Everest. Yes, although the workload seemed like climbing a small Everest, it is attainable and when finished, the rewards you reap are greater than those you had to sow. I will hopefully be motivated to continue this planning concept. It truly does make an insurmountable difference.

Question 2/Week 2 (blog entry for ETL week 2):  How have you planned to overtly “teach” with these “non-negotiables” in mind? What impact will these “non-negotiables” have on you as a teacher?  …on your students?  …on their learning?  …on your classroom?  …on our school and/or college?

As emphasized in my intentions stated above, I plan to overly "teach" these "non-negotiables" with a constant focus on three things. 1: My interactions: With students, teachers, parents both in school and out side of school. 2) With a upfront view of meaning: Asking myself questions of why and how during my planning practices. Why am I doing what I am doing? How does this relate to my kids? How will they relate this to their lives? 3) Intention: Using the practice of intention when I am planning and setting up my BIG IDEAS for the school year. 

What questions or struggles do I still have?

My biggest fear right now, is that I will become distracted with all of the "small" things relative to teaching during the school year and will lose focus on what I find most important. I need to keep my eyes on the "prize" as one might say and continue to allow myself to be guided by what's best for my students and what's most important for my classroom.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Best Practice in Mathmatics

Article: Best Practice in Mathematics
Author: Zemelman, S., Daniels, H., & Hyde, A. (2005)

This article had wonderful ideas pertaining to my new action research topic which will focus primarily on the effects of journaling on mathematical understanding. As with the Best Practices in Reading article that I read last week, there were some consistent themes found within the reading.

One re-curring theme that is found in successful math classrooms, is the presence of real, authentic mathematical experiences for the students. The authors state that math needs to be "meaningful"(pg. 3), which is similar to the essential understanding of other subject matters as well. One of the most important ways to help assist with a student's understanding is also to relate math to patterns and relationships. The authors state, "teachers should show students how to use the concepts taught in math powerfully, and with full understanding."

How do you accomplish this? By promoting coherence and emphasizing BIG ideas, and connections over and over again. The authors describe 5 intertwined processes to help build mathematical understanding which are:

1) connections: relating math to the "real-world" and using authentic experiences. "Making connections requires reasoning."   p.11
2)problem solving: working in small and large groups, using specific strategies to work through problems
3) representations: Using manipulatives, journaling, drawing a pictures, make a list or table, acting math out
4) communicating ideas: Working in small groups
5) reasoning and proofs: Talking to others, sharing invented strategies

Another re-accuring theme was the use of math language. As teachers, it is important for us to develop a classroom environment that promotes math thinking and math talk. Allowing students to share ideas with the whole group and with small groups gives the opportunity to collaborate with others and make connections. We also need to be aware of the questions we ask to ensure we are intentionally guiding our students to the understandings we need them to obtain.

I am intrigued with the concept of math journals and am anxious to implement these tools in my classroom next year. I have incorporated an abundance of "math-talk" sessions over the last year, where students share their thinking with fellow classmates. I would like to see how journaling, communicating and representing ideas through words and drawings will help me to see conceptual understandings for formative assessments and guidance.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chapter 8-Seven Strategies

Main Points: 2 Important Points
-best practice is a philosophy
-organization is key

Connections and Ideas Want to Incorporate...

*Small Groups: In my classroom, at the first grade level, small groupings have been beneficial for modeling and role-playing various concepts, such as proficient reading and writing. Creative writing centers with iPads has also been something that gives the students an opportunity to bounce creative ideas off of each other as they make a story.

*Text coding with Mind Maps has been a wonderful tool for me, and also for my students. It is has been beneficial for them to visualize how the different parts of a concept or story work together. I can see how text coding will be beneficial for them to use in communicating their understandings to me or to themselves.

*RTL: Have my students keep a math and reading journal's or "learning logs" and the to enrich the learning process and allow students the to write and draw with their ideas to become active learners.

* Classroom WKSP: I love schedule and the ideas of classroom workshops, because of the ability to model various ideas and concepts for your students, and the time it gives students to work on their own needs. This would definitely be a bit of work to get started, to ensure you could effectively have resources available for each student to have their choice of materials, whether it be with a reading book at the appropriate level, a writing topic available for each student, or setting up conference schedules. Once again, it comes back to organization.

*The concept of making learning authentic has been something I continue to strive for. I have a ways to go, but I have given more accountability to my students and have given them a "say" on how we've done certain groups, classroom design and small group activities. Like I've stated in past blogs, although I do work with first graders, their abilities for self-regulation and independence are well beyond what some might think. I continue to work on how to incorporate this at home and would like to involve other classrooms during our math, reading and science times to team-teach and learn together.

*Integrative units is something that I am working on throughout the summer. As a team, we've looked at home we can combine different subjects together under a BIG umbrella to ensure connectivity and fluidity.

*I believe in the idea of getting away from a one-size-fits-all way of teaching. The author states, "Teaching doesn't mean "talking" compared to what we've thought in the past." We can demonstrate techniques and strategies, but we need to determine where our efforts should be placed. Instead of re-teaching a concept to the whole class, when only 1/3 of the students need re-explaining, we need to channel our energy to setting up worth-while experiences that can engage the other 2/3's of students while we reteach.

Friday, June 14, 2013


This article was so reassuring to read. I have so many great pieces to discuss and use, it would take a while to get it all down! I've decided to choose the most influential to me for discussion.

1. Prioritize your life, get to the core of what’s important to you, and simplify things.(p.33)
It sounds easy to do, but I struggle to put it into practice. As Houston and Sokolow state, the there are so many distractions in the world that it is hard to sift through what is important and what isn't. I continue to work towards simplification and minimalism.

2. There’s a call for urgency and a call for what’s important. (p.23)
Another great reminder. I feel this most in my classroom as I find myself making what seems like a hundred decisions a second some days! With my students, anything can seem like it needs attention right now, but in all reality, I think it’s important to sit back, address the situation and allow the students to do some problem solving on their own. In regards to new ideas and projects that come forth throughout the year, I need to analyze how the idea should be use, why it’s important and how it will benefit my kids before I use it.

3. Pay more attention to your thoughts and how they shape you. (p.21) Your thoughts set up an energy field, and that field tends to attract like-minded energy.
You are what you think!

4. Attention , in part is an effort to be attentive to what’s happening around you, by being grounded to what’s happening around you, and by being grounded in who you are.

I believe it’s important to be a part of your surroundings. I can lack effort or attention at times with things that I don’t find important, but what others might enjoy. I find myself stuck in my own thoughts and need to continue to find a way to focus on the foreground and the background more effectively.


The Lasaillian Concepts of Association, Generativity and Adaptation have truly been trans-formative to the way I approach my classroom now. Whether it be the way I'm thinking about my classroom, students, learning plans, spiritual approach or intention, I am continually thinking of my classroom as a "living" organism (which I've mentioned earlier in posts.)  This living organism concept has worked for me, because living organisms are constantly changing and growing, as is a classroom.

In the area of instruction, I have continued to be mindful of our early readings and discussions regarding play and community. We start each morning off with a Morning Meeting routine, to allow for sharing and greetings. The UbD is another concept has been a new concept that I continue to grow with in terms of instruction. It's benefits are very clear and it has allowed me and my classroom to be more creative, engaging, effective and efficient. During the school year, I've incorporated the idea of Mind Mapping which has added another aspect on creative thinking. I've also enjoyed using many new instructional strategies during my instruction.

In the area of discipline, the most significant change has revolved around my action research project based off of oral reading fluency. This research process has opened a new lens on the possibilities in the area of early childhood literacy that is very enticing. I am anxious to continue to implement and incorporate new best practice methods in my future classroom. Through Kidblog entries, I've also noted a few other instructional areas that I would like to think more deeply about and research possible interventions.

My classroom environment has been an area that I have enjoyed playing around with over the course of the year. The possibilities seem endless when thinking about engaging classrooms. The article "Look Before You Leap," had many strategies to keep in the forefront as I become a more constructive teacher. I plan on applying the "less is more" concept to the environment I create and want to make the classroom ownership my students rather than thinking it needs to be mine.

The area of assessment continues to be guided by formative and summative assessments that drive my UbD unit planning. As with my instruction, thinking of the assessments and essential understandings first, allows the educational environment and learning plans to become more meaningful, focused, effective, efficient, and engaging.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

UbD Unit Relfection

UbD Unit Reflection
By planning the unit with the standards in the forefront, the unit objectives were much more focused and centered around a “theme.” They can be seen leading in each lesson, and also show adhesiveness towards lessons in the future. I found it more effective to lay out the standards and was also able to determine whether or not an objective/standard was met.

It was extremely manageable to incorporate the EU’s and EQ’s during the teaching phase. I found that I was able to use the EQ’s in many different scenarios such as a morning meeting question, or just a note on the board.  The EU’s gave my students and myself several opportunities to come together and reflect on what we had learned, what we wanted to continue learning, and where we were going as a group. The EQ’s allowed us many different avenues to travel while investigating our topic.
I felt and still feel that the EU’s and EQ’s were road signs and maps for us. Both entities of the BD philosophy allow many opportunities to see where the unit is going and also gives the students meaning and relativity to what is being discussed.

With my BD development, the formative and summative assessments were already developed with our curriculum series. I can tell you though, that it has made a difference in how I've prioritized and focused each part of each lesson.  In my experience with the assessments, it has helped to guide my lessons and allowed me to look at where I am putting my energy as well as my students'. The students' performance has improved, because everything we work towards and practice during our daily lessons, is something that will need to mastered by the assessments, but can also be applied to a greater understanding to be used in the future.

The biggest benefit to this style of planning, has been the constant funnel effect back to the “main” EU’s. During any lesson, you can ask any student, any time, to tell you how this related to what we are discussing and 9/10 times, they can give you an appropriate answer. I believe with this style of planning and teaching, it also allows students to have more control over what they are discussing and what they find important. It seems to give more ownership to the learner, and challenges to become a leader, instead of being reliable on you for each new piece they learn.


Continuing along with the theme of my own growth, guidance, and intention, along with what really makes a difference in the fluency improvement among students, I can highlight and cite some pivotal changes I've incorporated into my classroom this year and plan to use next year.
Here is what the research says, according the BIG WIGS...and a small bit on what I've done because of it...

1. Types of materials to choose could be Reader's Theaters, poems, leveled books, audio books, songs, plays or song lyrics, which all lend themselves most fittingly to fluency instruction (Rasinski, 2005). 

Towards the final portion of my school year, I have incorporated numerous poems, listening activities, and plays which have been intended to give my students an opportunity to delve into effective, enjoyable and relative reading materials that are fun to read! 

2. Regardless of a student’s age, fluent oral reading to the students, coupled with discussion of a response to the reading, should be a regular part of any instructional package for children who are struggling with reading (Opitz and Rasinski, 1998). Modeling various readings can give teachers a chance to reflect before, during and after a story, giving insight to emergent readers on how they use various reading skills and how to process the information read.

Even I get excited about reading aloud to my students. Partly, because I love getting into character and performing, but also because nothing compares to the engagement and excitement in each students eyes when you have a read aloud that comes to life. When the students see, hear, and watch you model an effective, fluent, expressive read aloud, they want to be like you! That is what they take with them. 

3. Listening centers also provide additional, effective fluency practice. At listening centers, students can listen to an audio story, poem or play read through a reading curriculum CD, read by a teacher or even a student. Listening centers and assisted reading have a positive impact on fluency (Rasinski, 2005). 

One of the biggest questions among the teachers I worked with this year was, "What do we do with all of our new iPads?" A listening center gave me a wonderful opportunity to showcase how this technology can be used. With an idea from a fellow master's colleague, and the app "WavePad" for the iPhone, I set out a few iPads and our monthly poems at a listening center, and had student's record themselves reading the poems. Students were in groups of 2-4. When I first discussed the center, you would have thought it was Christmas morning! They were so excited. Soon after the centers began, you could hear the voice inflection, and variation; the students became different characters, and soon I began to hear character parts evolve...remember, all I asked them to do was record themselves! They took this center to a whole new level and they had FUN with it!

4. For independent reading routines to succeed, students need support, excellent materials to read, ample and consistent amounts of time, and opportunities to share their responses while reading with others (Padak and Potenza-Radis 2010). As students are surrounded by caring, knowledgeable, enthusiastic teachers, their chance of succeeding with fluency will be greatly enhanced. 

One last area that was truly a "game" changer in my classroom was the implementation of STAR time (Stop, Take a Book, and Read). We began this experiment by challenging ourselves to 10 minutes of silent reading. Students chose appropriate leveled books from our Guided Reading selection, and I had to sit down and read as well. Nothing is worse than having to be a student watch their teacher cruise around the room trying to get something besides reading done. A big piece of fluency success is modeling. After our first bout with 10 minutes, the students asked for 2 more minutes! Soon after the first, second, and third day of this procedure, I found that after they had read, most students wanted to share something about their books, so we added another "quick" time period to share 1 interesting item about their books with a neighbor. I felt as if we truly fostered a "love" of reading. I plan on using this time as soon as possible next year, and might include a day to read with a buddy (fellow student) or two.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Change and Growth

For the reflection on my growth and change over the school year, please follow the link provided.

Change and Growth: 2012-2013 School Year

Monday, May 27, 2013

5 Best Practices in Reading-Best Practices in Reading-Zemelman and Hyde-Chapter 2

While reading this chapter, I realized soon that it hit very close to home.  There were many great ideas pertaining to my first grade classroom. As I read, I was happy to hear that many of the strategies and practices mentioned, I consciously and unconsciously implelenent.The list of ideas consumed 2 pages, so I will choose 5 of the ones I am most anxious to embed into my literacy program.

1. Spiral Bound Notebooks for Small Groups: I would like each student to have a spiral bound notebook to jot down ideas and notes pertaining specifically to them in regards to reading. They could put down spelling words, vocab, or other information.

2. Prioritize my phonetic time and recognize which students need it most. If students are still struggling during the second half of the school year, continue to meet and intervene during small groups. I want to try to use a more meaningful and rich method that will give students an opportunity to continue to build their phonetic skills through literature.

3. Focus more on Heterogeneous and Homogeneous groupings. I would like to develop when and where to split my kids up.

4. Incorporate more Reflective opportunities for my students.

5. Work towards literacy circles.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Peer Partner Learning Strategy

What is Peer Partner Learning?
Peer partner learning is a collaborative experience in which students learn from and with each other for individual purposes.

Currently, I have been able to implement this strategy in few different areas, but I've use it primarily for reading fluency and vocabulary development. 

Each week, every student in my class has a fluency passage at their level that they work on to read as fluently as possible. Time is given for them to practice on their own, and on 1 day per week, the students get together with a partner and read their passage to each other. 

One student becomes the "teacher," who listens and the other becomes the "student" who reads. They are timed for 1 minute. The "teacher" provides feedback and prompts the other to work on any errors that were heard during the reading. After 1 minute of discussion time, the roles reverse and the "teacher" becomes the "student." The reading continues for 1 minute. We complete this series of events 2 times. 

Each week we usually have a focus to work toward during our readings, such as pausing for punctuation, using inflection, and so forth. 

It has been beneficial, because the students collaborate well with each other and most strive for their best in the eyes of their peers. 

One reminder I always give them is...fluency is not speed, it is decoding accuracy and comprehension. Read like you would want to be read to!

The Search for Understanding-The Case For the Constructivist Classroom

After reading this article, the key concepts made most sense to me in a before, during and after teaching format. There were many strong points that I would like to ensure I look at in those three different development and implementation stages of my teaching. First and foremost, I'd like to look at the "before" teaching stage. While utilizing the UbD approach to developing units, it's important to incorporate:
  1. Problems of Relevance (meaningful and relative to students understanding)
  2. Primary Concepts: Less is More, the idea that students take control of their own learning, the teacher uses "Big Ideas" to run the learning plan
  3. Learning plans that seek and value student's point of view
  4. Curriculum that can be adapted and adjusted to fit each students needs
  5. Learning Plans and Unit development should include time for questioning, experimenting and facilitation. 
  6. Cognitive Language: classify, analyze, predict, create
While implementing the learning plan it is important that students continue to be guided by the 1) primary concepts relative to their understanding. 2) Learning plans should be guided by "student" conversation rather that teacher directed talking. Cognitive language should be used to develop understand . One way to think of this concept is to ask what students know, instead of telling them what to know. 3) As discussed earlier, in the UbD  development, time for experimenting with materials such as manipulatives are beneficial, because it is interactive and physical. 4) Another piece to be carried out during the learning plan is the use of formative and summative assessment to guided the learning plan and give the teacher an idea of each students understanding on the topic. 

And finally, after the learning plan, the assessments given can be looked at and curriculum can be adapted to meet each students needs as the teacher continues through the unit. More time might need to be given  for students to meet the benchmarks for any given primary concept, but through the reading, I've found it to be important to continually think of creating an leaning environment that is focused the constructivist concepts. 

To read the book for yourself:
Title: In Search For Understanding: The Case for the Constructivist Classroom by Jacqueline Greenon- Brooks and Martin Brooks

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 5 to 2 Instructional Strategy

I've been using a new instructional strategy in my classroom over the past couple of weeks that is labeled " The 5 to 2." With this strategy, the is idea revolves around lessening the amount of your talking time as a teacher and  open up the door for more conversation amongst your students. I know that I, at times, can tend to use my role as a teacher to talk too much at times in front of my class, and with this strategy, I've been able to keep my verbal lessons down to 5 minute chucks at a time. After the 5 minutes are up, the students then have 2 minutes to share or teach the new information to a classmate or group.  It is very comparable to a " think, pair, share" set up. 

Overall, it has been best I'm implemented during our reading or math blocks. The students have used whiteboards, actions, or small presentations to review the 5 minute discussion by me.   The strategy is effective, because it allows the student not only to be a listener, but also a facilitator and teacher. Their retention rate for information has shown an increase, and it allows them time to move and collaborate with their peers. I am sure there are many other benefits that will come out of this learning strategy and I am encouraged to continue to try it out in new settings.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pulling away from the traditional and Moving into the Constructive!

This past week, I was encouraged through my masters program to change a few minor things in my classroom routine. These minor adjustments were the product of an article we just read out of the book "Creating and Sustaining a Constructivist Classroom," by B. A. Marlowe  &  M. L. Page. One area I wanted to work on was my student/teacher role. To often, I feel like I am a knowledge dispenser. If my students ask me a question about a topic, I tend to tell them the answer. But, in the correct setting, that pattern needs to change. I want my students to be responsible for finding their own knowledge on topics they have questions on. 

So, this past week, I had the opportunity to put my plans into action. We were studying space with our reading series and one student had a question about whether or not the sun was a planet. The old "me" would have said, "No, it is a star." The new me, took a moment and asked, "where could we find an answer to this question?" We decided that the plethora of space books on our reading table must have some answers for us! So, we set off on a knowledge hunt. 

About 5 minutes later, another student shouted out that the sun was indeed a STAR! We found this statement in about 5 more books before we stopped searching. In the end, this turned into a great lesson on proving facts, searching out your questions, and topics regarding various space questions. The students felt responsible for their work and I fel like a facilitator instead of a knowledge dispenser. These are the lessons that we strive for as teachers. 

I hope to continue giving my students the opportunity to search out their own answers and conclusions, instead of relying on me for mine. 

Teaching Strategies Used

1. Cooperative Learning-Writer’s Workshop https://docs.google.com/document/d/19Ksnmo

2. 5 + 1 (Five Plus One)

3. Illustrated Talks

4. Story Telling and Retelling (STaR)

5. Scavenger Hunt.

1.We are currently working on an opinion paper in my classroom. I am going to have students get into groups of 2 and edit their papers. They will need to be aware of our classroom guidelines for group work and will grade themselves with smiley faces based on how many goals they met while working together. This would be a useful strategy, because of students using each other’s feedback to improve their individual writing.

2. This would work best when introducing vocab and spelling patterns. I would have the students use their whiteboards and markers to work with each other towards correct spelling and usage after I had discussed the new concepts.

3. I would use this strategy while completing and art project for mother’s day. The students would only be shown (with pictures) the individual steps for each section of our project while I explained the process.

4. Each week, we use “oral” reading cards with stories that fit our theme. I would read our story, and have students retell it with a group, act it out, and draw the beginning, middle and end of the story by themselves.

5. Students work in small groups collaboratively.I can provide
groups with books on the same topic which would be “Space and Planets.” Assign each group a topic and have the
team look for words and pictures in the multiple sources that are connected
to that topic. Invite groups to share discoveries. Facilitate a discussion around
their “I didn’t know that!” discoveries highlighting the similarities and
difference in the texts.

1. This worked alright. Self correction and editing is a big topic for students at this age group to swallow and completely understand. Some students are ready for it and some aren't. I would make the process a bit shorter next time.

2. This strategy works well. My kids are used to it because we do a lot of think, pair share in my classroom to get the students moving. I will continue to insert this into my class.

3. As we made our mother’s day cards, I used this strategy. We took baby steps and I only showed my kids what the end project would look like. Most of them were able to make a similar end product based off of pictures and verbal instruction.

4. The students loved this activity. Any chance that they get to act or engage in something in front of the class is special to them. Most are fantastic storytellers.

5. The students spent about 15 minutes, literally, engaged in finding facts about planets and space. All I heard were the murmurs of "ohhs" and "ahhs" from kids finding new information and collaborating on it with another student. I asked them to write down 2 of their most interesting facts at the end.

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